Percent Students Eligible for Free or Reduced Price Lunch

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This layer displays information about free and reduced price lunch eligibility among public school students. This point-level data is acquired from the 2014-2015 National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) Common Core of Data (CCD) Public School Universe Survey dataset.

Majority-Minority Schools

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This layer displays the location of public schools where the majority (50% or more) of the student body is a minority race or ethnicity (American Indian, Asian, Black, Hispanic/Latino, Pacific Islander, or Multiple Race). This point-level data is acquired from … Continued

Food Desert Census Tracts

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This layer displays the location of Food Deserts across the United States based on conditions in 2015. More information can be found in the January 2017 report, Low-Income and Low-Supermarket-Access Census Tracts, 2010-2015.

Change in Food Desert Census Tracts, 2010-2015

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This layer displays changes in Food Desert Census Tracts between 2010 and 2015. More information can be found in the January 2017 report, Low-Income and Low-Supermarket-Access Census Tracts, 2010-2015.

County Health Rankings, 2017

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Data and maps from the 2017 County Health Rankings are now availble on Community Commons! Click the map below to view the rank and underlying data for Premature Death, or search for additional updates by searching the Map Room for … Continued

Multi-Family Assisted Housing

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Layer displays the approximate locations of Multifamily Assisted Housing properties that are monitored by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The three largest assistance programs for Multifamily housing are Section 8 (Project Based Assistance), Section 202 (Supportive … Continued

Labor Force Participation Rate by County, 2011-15

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Layer displays the labor force participation rate based on data from the 2011-15 American Community Survey. The labor force participation rate is the percentage of the population that is in the labor force. This metric is different from employment rates, … Continued