Average Number of High-Speed Internet Providers

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This layer displays the average number of high-speed internet providers as of June 2017. Data are available by county, census tract, and census block group. Values are population-weighted; caculations do not include internet access based solely on cellular internet providers.

Total Number of Law Enforcement Officers

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This layer displays the number of law enforcement officers as defined by the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting program. Data is available by city, county, and universities. More information about Police Employee Data can be found here

Income from Transfer Payments

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This layer displays information about personal income from transfer payments. Data are from the 2016 Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) Local Area Personal Income data series.

Household Income, White Female

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This layer displays household income figures as compiled by Opportunity Insights at Harvard University. Data is available at the county, tract, and communing zone level.

Household Income, White Male

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This layer displays household income figures as compiled by Opportunity Insights at Harvard University. Data is available at the county, tract, and communing zone level.

National Wetlands Inventory (NWI), 2018

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The National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) provides detailed information on the characteristics and distribution of wetlands in the United States. This update incorporates many changes, including the representation of wetland areas for intermittent streams.

Agricultural Census, Field Crops, 2012

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A comprehensive summary of agricultural activity for the United States and for each state. Includes number of farms by size and type, inventory and values for crops and livestock, operator characteristics, and much more.

Cropland Data Layer, 2014

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The 2014 Cropland Data Layer (CDL) developed by the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS)