Households Enrolled in the Emergency Broadband Benefits Program
This layer displays the total number of enrolled households in the emergency broadband benefits program.
This layer displays the total number of enrolled households in the emergency broadband benefits program.
This layer displays the total number and rate of preventable hospitalization events among Medicare beneficiaries. Preventable hospitalizations include hospital admissions for one or more of the following conditions: diabetes with short-term complications, diabetes with long-term complications, uncontrolled diabetes without complications, … Continued
This layer displays the percentage of Medicare beneficiaries who have mental health or substance use issues in the latest report year (2019).
This layer displays the percentage of Medicare beneficiaries who received an annual wellness exam in the latest report year (2019).
This layer displays the percentage of Medicare beneficiaries who received a mammography in the latest report year (2019).
This layer displays the percentage of Medicare beneficiaries with tobacco usage in the latest report year (2019).
This layer displays the percentage of Medicare beneficiaries with anxiety disorder in the latest report year (2019).
This layer displays immunization rates for seasonal influenza among adults aged 18 and older. Data are from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) FluVaxView data portal. The county-level estimates within FluVaxView are derived from responses to the 2018 … Continued
The National Walkability Index is a nationwide geographic data resource that ranks block groups according to their relative walkability. The national dataset includes walkability scores for all block groups as well as the underlying attributes that are used to rank … Continued
The new county level population data is out from the U.S. Census! This layer shows the total population change and the percent change from the 2010 census numbers for the state of Missouri.