School Segregation Index

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This layer displays the extent to which students within different race and ethnicity groups are unevenly distributed across schools when compared with the racial and ethnic composition of the local population. The index ranges from 0 to 1 with lower … Continued

School Funding Adequacy

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This layer displays the average gap in dollars between actual and required spending per pupil among public school districts. Required spending is an estimate of dollars needed to achieve U.S. average test scores in each district.

Theil Index: Racial Diversity

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Layer displays information about racial segregation using the Theil index. This index measures the “eveness” of all races across the county based on the racial composition of the population at the block group level.

Home Loan Originations by Applicant Race/Ethnicity

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Layers display data from the 2012 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act flat files. Data is available for all counties and census tracts in the United States and depicts the total number and percentage of home loan originations by primary applicant race … Continued

Majority-Minority Schools

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This layer displays the location of public schools where the majority (50% or more) of the student body is a minority race or ethnicity (American Indian, Asian, Black, Hispanic/Latino, Pacific Islander, or Multiple Race). This point-level data is acquired from … Continued

Majority-Minority Schools

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This layer displays the location of public schools where the majority (50% or more) of the student body is a minority race or ethnicity (American Indian, Asian, Black, Hispanic/Latino, Pacific Islander, or Multiple Race). This point-level data is acquired from … Continued

Population in Poverty, Disparity Index Score

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Layer displays information about racial disparity of poverty using data from the 2010-2014 American Community Survey (ACS). The Index of Disparity (ID) is used to show the magnitude of variation in indicator percentages across population groups. In this case, the … Continued

Households Receiving SNAP Benefits, Disparity Index Score

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Layer displays information about racial disparity of poverty using data from the 2010-2014 American Community Survey (ACS). The Index of Disparity (ID) is used to show the magnitude of variation in indicator percentages across population groups. In this case, the … Continued