Breast Cancer Screening (Mammogram), by County, Medicare Population, 2021
This layer displays the percentage of Medicare beneficiaries who received a mammography in the latest report year (2020).
This layer displays the percentage of Medicare beneficiaries who received a mammography in the latest report year (2020).
This layer displays the percentage of Medicare beneficiaries who received an annual wellness exam in the latest report year (2020).
Layers display 30-day readmission rates, emergency room visits within 30 days of discharge, and follow-up visits within 14 days of discharge for Medicare beneficiaries as of year 2019 by county, state, and Hospital Service Area (HSA). Data are obtained from … Continued
Layers display 30-day readmission rates, emergency room visits within 30 days of discharge, and follow-up visits within 14 days of discharge for Medicare beneficiaries as of year 2019 by county, state, and Hospital Service Area (HSA). Data are obtained from … Continued
This layer displays the percent and total of Medicare enrollees having annual ambulatory visit to a primary care clinician in 2019 by county, state, or hospital service area (HSA).
This layer displays the percent and total of diabetic Medicare enrollees receiving HbA1c testing in 2019 by county, state, or hospital service area (HSA).
This layer displays the percent and total of diabetic Medicare enrollees receiving eye exam in 2019 by county, state, or hospital service area (HSA).
This layer displays the percent and total of female Medicare enrollees age 67-69 having at least one mammogram every two years as of 2019 by county, state, or hospital service area (HSA).
This layer displays the percentage of Medicare beneficiaries who received an annual wellness exam in the latest report year (2020).
This layer displays the percentage of Medicare beneficiaries who received a mammography in the latest report year (2020).